
The Iterative Construction Mechanism abstraction (together with the perception based database update algorithm) was formalized by Gupta et al. [39], generalizing the median mechanism of Roth and Roughgarden [74] (initially presented as an online algorithm), the online private multiplicative weights mechanism of Hardt and Rothblum [44], and its offline variant of Gupta et al. [38]; see also Hardt et al. [41]. All these algorithm can be seen to be instantiations. The connection between query release and agnostic learning was observed in [38]. The observation that the median mechanism, when analyzed using the composition theorems of Dwork et al. [32] for (ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta) privacy, can be used to answer arbitrary low sensitivity queries is due to Hardt and Rothblum. The game theoretic view of query release, along with its applications to analyst privacy, is due to Hsu, Roth, and Ullman [48].
